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How to boost engagement and promote better learning.

Posted on:March 7, 2024

When it comes to a group training, there are multiple reasons that could prevent someone from engaging:

Now, while some of these elements can’t be altered directly through the training. Some remain in changeable reach (namely the first three of the list)
Our goal is to reduce these frictions, to allow more engagement, and, at the end of the day, better learning.

These three tools, the whiteboard, the post-it notes and the Google Form, all have common aspects: They provide anonymity.

Now, going further on that idea, we could implement a (virtual) whiteboard, containing all the information of the training, summarised. Also providing links to resources, bonus content, exercises and whatnot. But most importantly, a place for people to ask questions.
This can be done with manual filtering from the trainer, through a Google Form. The trainer would select the most “common” questions, or some questions that they think can be important and share them on the (virtual) whiteboard.

These implementations have to be adapted to the group to make sure it fits their learning style. At the end of the day, this is just a set of tools that you can use to better support your class.